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Oncology: Use of Digital Health Technology to Enable Drug Development

Technology Applications: Use of Digital Health Technology to Enable Drug Development

This ย 4 week pilot study focused on the development and assessment of a mobile medical app for patients (eCediranib/olaparib App, eCO App) and health care providerโ€™s web portal. Patients had ovarian cancer treated by Cediranib/Olaparib. Suitability, usability and satisfaction was assessed by users of the eCO App. The digital tool allowed remote monitoring, offered daily guidance for managing high blood pressure and diarrhea, and facilitated rapid detection and response to side effects during the clinical trial. eCO empowered patients to self-manage their conditions in real-time via Bluetooth-enabled or manual measure of blood pressure, with satisfaction evaluated through a 4-week 17-item questionnaire. eCO enhanced patient experience in monitoring and reporting toxicities.

Positive and statistically significant responses to use of the app were reported by both patients and HCPs.

preview of the scientific publication
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